Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Greetings Human

I suppose that will be the first word all alien would say when they reach our atmosphere. There is nothing actually, I just want to greet fellow blogger who still keep writing in their own lonely blog. Well, some recent update might be interesting so I will try writing it in an interesting way.

1. My birthday

Happy birthday to me! I am not really happy though, because I do not really celebrate birthday. So nothing was really special. But the most fun about birthday is receiving greetings from everything you love. Yep, I mention everything instead of everyone. Because things that makes you happy not only come from other person, but also the situation and everything. I am grateful that I still have friends who would wanted to spend his time for buying me cake even if it was on exam period. Also so much gratitude to my family, I think any word or anything I could give will not be enough to 'pay' all their effort to make me the best person I can be. Thank you everyone!!

2. Exam

Today is my first out of five exam. It still approximately 3 hours from now, and I did not feel any anxiety right before I write this sentence, unfortunately now I feel it. I suppose my grade this semester would be better than the last semester since I am more familiar with the subject. I think I have done all my best to prepare for the exam, but then my friend have done all their 'bestest' to prepare. Right now I have no comment about that, let God's 'hand' decide. Human being can only do their best.

Hey, is this post feels more blog-ish than another post on this schrodinger's cat? Anyway, merry exam for those who celebrate . Wish everyone do and get their best result! Cheers.

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