Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Summer is Forever

Tanpa disadari post ini super panjang, beneran.

Tiba-tiba berminat untuk menulis dengan Bahasa Indonesia, kenapa? Pertama, udah merasa cukup banyak menulis dengan bahasa Inggris jadinya bosen dong. Tapi apa daya diri ini tidak bisa menulis dengan bahasa swahili dengan lancar akhirnya harus menyerah dengan Bahasa Indonesia. Alasan kedua adalah karena dalam taraf tertentu sudah merasa level Bahasa Inggris saya mengalami peningkatan (yang ini murni pengakuan sepihak).
Ngomong-ngomong 1.
Saya percaya pilihan kata dan diksi (bedanya apa ya?) yang digunakan seseorang dalam berkomunikasi menentukan kepribadiannya. Misalnya, orang yang suka mengucapkan kata-kata makian dan umpatan secara umum karakteristiknya kasar dan urakan. Kalau hipotesis diatas itu benar, mari kita mengkaji kata-kata apa yang sering kita pakai. Dan hasil analisa saya terhadap diri saya sendiri menunjukkan bahwa kata-kata yang paling sering saya gunakan adalah sebagai berikut : aneh, absurd, ga jelas, abstrak, dan kata-kata lain yang artinya mirip-mirip. Tampaknya itu menjelaskan semuanya deh, mohon maaf apabila banyak membuat anda kesulitan.
Ngomong-ngomong 2.
Ngomong-ngomong kali ini masih agak related dengan ngomong-ngomong di atas. Sesabar-sabarnya orang, sebaik-baiknya orang, selembut-lembutnya orang (emangnya so klin softener -___-) pasti punya saat mereka ingin memaki suatu hal. Pertanyaanya adalah, makian apa yang baisa anda gunakan? Akhir-akhir ini saya berusaha mendeformasi umpatan yang biasa saya gunakan agar menjadi lebih halus. Dimulai dari m*ncr*t, berubah menjadi p*nt*t, dan sekarang berubah lagi menjadi c*b*k. Jadi penasaran nanti berubah jadi apa lagi ya?
Ngomong-ngomong 3.
Mengikuti summer research di Singapura saat seluruh teman-teman pulang ke Indonesia rasanya agak gimana-gimana gitu. Karena memang saya mau jadi researcher, tidak pulang sama sekali selama vacation period saya rasa worth it saja (saya harap begitu). Tapi kalau teman yang ada di sekitar jumlahnya hanya berkurang dan terus berkurang sampai tanggal tertentu rasanya cukup tidak enak juga. Tidak punya banyak pilihan aktivitas, atau setidaknya keberadaan mereka motivasi bagi saya (padahal biasanya ngejunk bareng). Punya supervisor yang tidak 'pushy' rasanya menyenangkan, however kalau ingin jadi lebih kiasu mungkin bukan pilihan yang tepat. Sejauh ini surprisingly menyenangkan rasanya dan saya baru ingat bahwa di negara tropis sepanjang masa ya summer.
Ngomong-ngomong 4.
Pingin melakukan banyak self-development selama summer research ini. Saya harap ada cukup banyak waktu senggang sehingga bisa melakukan cukup hal untuk diri sendiri. Ujung-ujungnya kalau diri sendiri jadi baik orang lain pasti terkena imbasnya. Doakan saja saya sukses untuk yang kali ini, err maksud saya bisa jadi orang yang lebih baik secara cukup signifikan.
Ngomong-ngomong 5.
Lumayan banyak meratapi kehidupan akhir-akhir ini (tidak mau mengakui bahwa diri ini galau). Minggu depan nilai keluar, saya benar-benar penasaran sama nilai PAP119 dan juga PAP112. Kalau 119 karena itu pelajaran menarik yang rasanya sudah cukup berusaha. Kalau 112, karena itu exam terakhir. Nah, dua hari sebelum exam terakhir tiba-tiba teman saya menunjukan sebuah status facebook menarik dari seseorang yang lumayan mind-blowing. Jadi ga fokus deh. Doakan saja dapet yang terbaik (nilai terbaik 5 loh).
Apa ini lebih terasa seperti curhat blog-blog remaja jakarta pada umumnya? Tetep absurd sih rasanya dibandingkan blog-blog curhat informatif. Semoga kalian tetap dalam nikmat iman dan taqwa, sampai jumpa lagi! Oh kelupaan!
Ngomong-ngomong 6.
Paling tanggal 2 Juni nanti ngepost lagi, sedang banyak pikiran soalnya. Merasa tulisan di blog bisa merelieve hati ini (ngaji lebih banyak napa -____-)

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

Vanishing Point

Have you ever thought that your current life is meaningless? Have you ever thought that what you are doing right now is not important? I really want to share my experience today. I volunteered an event today. Well, the event has good motivation but from my perspective it is kind of useless and ineffective. But you know what is best? When some of the participant actually said that today was her best day in her life. I was really touched, even for something I value nothing she thinks that this is priceless. Well, from the beginning I believe that I could create some benefits but I definitely did not expect it turns out this way.

"O my sons, go and find out about Joseph and his brother and despair not of relief from Allah . Indeed, no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people."
Yusuf : 87

I should keep going, regardless of certain events and condition. Being a good enough man is actually not that easy, you should appreciate those kind of person. Cheers.

Senin, 23 Mei 2011


The title here is the IPA spelling of the word "truth". How do you usually perceive information as a truth? Is it fast? Or do you like to gather a lot information before believing a truth (we call it gossip in our daily life :p)? Some people need to 'witness' something in order to obtain a truth, but there are also people who will simply believe what other people says. How about you?
For me, I usually believe what my relatively close friends said. Quite absurd isn't it (as usual)? It might sounds simple, but to have the term relatively close friends is definitely not easy. Someone whom I consider as a relatively close friend needs to satisfies this criterion :

1. Had a lot interaction in the past (again, not standardized). Whether having long conversation or just a mere heat transfer between our surrounding.
2. Having mutually integrated understanding of personal life and personality with me.
3. Not much difference on frequency, at least we can have a 'beat' frequency. (This is the most absurd one)

By the way, what's with these pointers over some last posts? I guess it seems more visually appealing, what do you think? Ah, forget to mention. Truth will still be "truθ", no matter what happens. You might want to bend truth so that it benefits you more, but you can not tell any lie. Lie does not exist, and talking something does not exist is redundant. I hope the word came from his mouth was something exist, which now I believe as a truth. Oh sorry, do not get so sensitive. I am using he instead of you, so it does means that he does not blog (is this a verb?) unlike you who blog. Well, hope that you keep yourself in your best condition. This is summer vacation isn't it?

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Simply Complex

Hiya readers, how is life? I hope you will answer with something nice. It is always good to see good news from close friend, except news that interfere with my goal. It might sounds so selfish, but the fact that it makes you feel uncomfortable can not be changed except by changing ones expectation. Well, I am having some kind of issue these days. But my dad said that if you feel uncomfortable with something, the real problem is not from the thing itself. The real problem is in you, oops i mean in me. It is definitely hard to have some self evaluation, but you still need to do it if you want your life gets better indeed.
By the way, this is my shortest holiday ever. I only have a week to spend in my comfort zone, however people said that getting out from comfort zone is good for self development. Then I suppose that this is good. I only have 4 days to be able to meet my mom physically during this holiday, she went to Vietnam on Wednesday for work. Then my brother also went for work on Thursday, so you could imagine what kind of holiday I am having right now. Family is of course the best part of holiday, they are truly people who makes you fell comfortable the most (at least for me). There are also some interesting things in holiday other than family, let me list down them :

1 Extended Family
When I mentioned family, it means my nuclear family. But the one I mentioned here also include grandma, uncle, auntie, and cousins. It is so fun to just talk and giggle with them, since I have not meet them for a pretty long time (I do not add them on social network, and social network ruins the fun with those whom you add).

2 Juniors
I met my high school juniors at school. And guess what, they have just received university acceptance letter. Congratulations to those who got their dream university. Wish all the best for those who are still struggling for university.

3 Friends
I suddenly lost my mood on writing this part, this one is.. I do not know, feels to complicated to write something understandable. Overall, I am happy but there are some awkward things and moment. Wish they will be on their best shape as always.

I rarely proofread my writing, and most of the times my writing seems to be really weird I don't even understand. How about this one? Hope that this will be nice, enjoy your holiday!

Kamis, 12 Mei 2011

Hontou ni

Hi everyone, I only got one exam left which is tomorrow and I do not feel like preparing it really well because I do not know how. I think I am going to make a legal cheat sheet (please do not think that I am a cheater), it suppose to be the most effective way to study all the chapters. If my life would be described as a normalized finite length wave function, I think right now is approximately about where the probability density comes to near zero. What does it mean? I do not know it either. It feels like molding a clay together for couple of years without even trying to make it a china. What am I blabbering about? Whatever, wish me for my remaining exam.


Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Greetings Human

I suppose that will be the first word all alien would say when they reach our atmosphere. There is nothing actually, I just want to greet fellow blogger who still keep writing in their own lonely blog. Well, some recent update might be interesting so I will try writing it in an interesting way.

1. My birthday

Happy birthday to me! I am not really happy though, because I do not really celebrate birthday. So nothing was really special. But the most fun about birthday is receiving greetings from everything you love. Yep, I mention everything instead of everyone. Because things that makes you happy not only come from other person, but also the situation and everything. I am grateful that I still have friends who would wanted to spend his time for buying me cake even if it was on exam period. Also so much gratitude to my family, I think any word or anything I could give will not be enough to 'pay' all their effort to make me the best person I can be. Thank you everyone!!

2. Exam

Today is my first out of five exam. It still approximately 3 hours from now, and I did not feel any anxiety right before I write this sentence, unfortunately now I feel it. I suppose my grade this semester would be better than the last semester since I am more familiar with the subject. I think I have done all my best to prepare for the exam, but then my friend have done all their 'bestest' to prepare. Right now I have no comment about that, let God's 'hand' decide. Human being can only do their best.

Hey, is this post feels more blog-ish than another post on this schrodinger's cat? Anyway, merry exam for those who celebrate . Wish everyone do and get their best result! Cheers.