Kamis, 14 April 2011

I am pretty sure that I have not posted anything for pretty long time. Well, I have just had a bad case of diarrhea last week. Yep, the whole week. Let me share you something then :

I hope it helps (WHY!?). Anyway, life has been not as busy as before. It is because I planned so. Let me ask you something, at what time the latest class do you have? Mine is until seven pm. But since some holiday, they need to extend it up to 7:30. I do not think that normal university student would have class that 'late'. Then imagine at what time I could go back to my room, still studying and doing some assignments. Do not forget that I also joined a lot of CCA (that is my problem though). I think I really need some spiritual and academic refreshment, anyhow as long it increases my taqwa and GPA. See ya then.

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