Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

"That's A Great Choice Bro"

This post will mostly be written in Indonesian. Why is that so? Because there would be a great loss of information if the thing I want to write is being translated. For example, look at the title. It is an awful translation of saying "Pilihan yang Tepat Kak". The sentence could only be understood by someone who understands casual Indonesian and goes to certain fast-food pizzeria located around Jakarta (or probably other outlet outside Jakarta?). Without hesitation, I shall start my story in the paragraph below:

Oke, jadi suatu hari yang masih dalam suasana lebaran, saya dan ketiga teman saya (sebut saja Marzanno, Ibrahimovich, dan juga Adhinayakudu - baiklah, nama Adhinayakudu dibikin dengan sangat ngasal) berkumpul di rumah Adhinayakudu. Bingung ingin melakukan apa, akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk makan di luar. Masih bingung ingin makan apa, akhirnya saya teringat sebuah postingan menarik dari yang berbunyi seperti di bawah:

Semua tepaaaat!

Pembeli #1: "Mbak, saya pesan pizza X ya."
Pelayan: (mengacungkan jempol) "Bagus! Pilihan yang tepat sekali, kakak!"
Pembeli #2: "Mbak... kalo saya pizza Y tepat juga gak?"

Restoran di Jakarta, didengar pelanggan lain yang kasihan melihat raut muka si pelayan.

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

After Ramadhan Post

After having a lengthy vacuum from blogging, I feel obligated to share some non-pointless updates to the reader of this blog (YEEEAAAY!!!!).

About internship :
I finished that one long ago well.. not that long. Just about 19 days ago. I was pretty much gabut, yes doing nothing yet being paid. About the experience itself, I would say nothing much. Most of my jobs were "data entry". Trust me, it is not as cool as it sounds. But most fortunately, I feel that I have awaken my financial awareness. However, I am still totally not sure whether I want to work in that industry later. I don't know. I don't really feel like working soon.

About ramadhan :
I am sure everyone has their own target (or maybe not?), and pretty sure that at least we did something (or again, maybe not?). For me, I did not fulfill the "do" target, but managed to did the "don't" target. How about yourself?

About myself :
A lot happened to me since my last post. Meeting different people, from the :ohgodwhy: kind of friends to enthusiastic juniors. But since it's me, there were great amount of awkwaaaard situation. I fully understand that I am those kind of  "socially awkward" person, and pretty much proud of it.

Speaking of pride, I wish I could be proud of all things that I have done yet be a super humble person. Wish me the best for my personal project.