Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Starkov dan Blukupu

Every ending is a beginning for another chapter, even in this mundane life. My second summer vacation (in university life) will need to be postponed soon because of internship. I will be working in the research division of a finance related company (wish me luck for this). What I am really happy is that I managed to meet so many friends during this vacation. Well, they said that silaturahmi is a great virtue. So  instead of doing nothing, I think this is one of the best think that I can do. Furthermore, meeting old friends is very relieving in many ways. It should be putted on my to do list from from now then.

I will also have an important thing to do this weekend, wish me another great luck for this.

Yes, Starko and Blukupu are cat names. My friend gave it to his cat. Strange one isn't it?

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