Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Lama Tidak Curhat

Cukup lama sih memang tidak curhat, hidup rasanya belum pernah sesibuk ini (dan menariknya tiap saat saya selalu merasa tidak pernah sesibuk ini). Dan ingin ganti template blog yang idenya muncul tiba-tiba pada saat lecture, menarik kan? Sabar sedikit deh, semoga saya bisa come up dengan sesuatu yang menarik.

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011


I think some of the most interesting phenomenon of quantum mechanics is the collapse of wave function. Imagine that our mind as an electron described in a wave function, traveling freely around certain regions, or even flows until infinity with lower probability. It must be centered mostly at certain places and it is most probable to see what is in your mind around that region, however there is still Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle that makes it more uncertain.

Let's say that you make a measurement (or in this case as a guess/try) by focusing your mind and start doing on certain thing. And you find the electron (assume that this is your interest that actually correspond to your mind, heart and physical ability, and it does not need to be located in the most probable area some medical student might find her "electron" around entertainment area and it does not contradicts the law) it means that he/she will find the that is the place that the "electron" should belong. And if you have find the "electron" there and you make another measurement right after you find the electron, you must also find the electron in the same place. And hence the wave function collapsed, it will only remains a delta function in that specific places. And his/her passion and dream are focused there, to the infinity.

Quantum mechanics is always philosophical, yes it is. And I hope all of us can find the "electron" and makes the probability to be 1. And I am in the way on collapsing my wave function.

#Read Quantum Mechanics or simply  Wave Function on Wikipedia might helps.

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011


Terasa kok, bahwa blogspot makin sepi. Blog saya juga. Which is good or bad? Kita sendiri yang menentukan. Saya pribadi sih karena memang hanya pingin menulis apa adanya merasa begitu-begitu saja. Tapi diam-diam kalau ada satu comment dari manusia macam apapun pasti senang-senang saja. Agak munafik sih, tapi berhubung definisi munafik jauh dari yang satu itu bukan masalah.

Ngomong-ngomong kehidupan, lagi super hectic. Rasanya kata hectic sangat sering dipakai, terlalu sering malah. Berhubung saya sedikit menganut budaya hipster jadinya saya merasa menggunakan kata-kata tersebut sebelum populer dipakai oleh manusia Indonesia. Yang namanya midterm test, pe-er, lab report maupun tugas keorganisasian banyaknya SEJUBEL. Yeah, SEJUBEL. Dan rasanya dunia ini tidak begitu akrab dan ramah dalam membantu kita kepada kesuksesan selain teman dekat kita. Apa karena itu kita harus introspeksi? Bisa jadi.

Ngomong-ngomong lagi, daripada tulisan lengthy macam ini. Gambar-gambar kiyut di tumblr jauh lebih ngetren akhir-akhir ini. Indeed.