Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

(Not So) Quick Update

Dear readers,

It has been ages since I left this blog untouched. Okay, it might not be ages but long enough for me. Writing has been pretty much interesting and I also have a lot of thing I want to write. Unfortunately, I am not someone who is good at communicating my thought to others and thus I do not have as much time as couple of weeks ago.

Am I busy? I think so. Right now I have three commitments of subcommittee and two commitments as main committee and I guess there are still some others which I put less priority or I forget now. I thought making myself busy will prevent me from doing unnecessary things, but unnecessary things keep coming to you regardless your free time. Hope that my time be more productive. After taking course of mastering communication, I realized that this writing is so 'me' oriented. Not readers oriented. This is my personal blog though, but making something more global and enjoyable is much better I guess.

I have just started one of my most interesting career in my university life, but I feel it will end soon, very soon. Time goes faster if you quantized them, and we do quantizing time here at NTU. Life is divided by 13 weeks + one recess week and approximately three weeks of exam periods makes it seems shorter. I am still on the move of chasing images of two people who inspire me a lot. But I realize, I need to make my own path. Yep, myself. They are just image anyway, having my true identity would be nice in order to survive in this world and for the hereafter. Furthermore, having advice from senior who knows you pretty well is always interesting. She said that I need to have my own 'charisma' and she said something about 'be more manly'. I guess people does not consider me a 'man', still a young 'boy'.

Hmm, being 'galau' and 'labil' (check for Indonesian urban dictionary) does not bring anyone anywhere. However, I do not consider this as 'galau' and 'labil'. Just some splash of my thought. Happy anniversary everyone, for having great life which is unique and interesting in different way. I guess I should stop now, my dad does not really like my habits of waking up too late.


arutaki with some melancholy

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