Jumat, 12 November 2010

If You Can Tell Me Something Worth Fighting For

I think I promised that I want to write something related to 'A Rush of Blood to the Head', yep, I made a post with such title. Right now, I am recklessly studying for my exam. My point is,
Well, because I am not sure about my position among the others so I just need to do as hard as I can. I have never been someone considered damn smart, while everybody here are just damn godly smart. I can't guarantee myself to get my grades in the first class honors range in the first semester, what I can guarantee is that my grade must be better than if I do not study this much. After all, there are no guarantee in this world made by human. I wonder if what I aim worth fighting for, as the title of this post.

ps: another crappy english writing

3 komentar:

  1. typo: there is, bukan there are *setau gw

    ada kok, contoh ya, garansi laptop, HP, gitu2

  2. bahkan ga ada garansi bahwa perusahaan itu tidak akan bangkrut saat lo mengklaim
