Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010


Malas nulis sih sebenarnya tapi rasanya ingin mengupdate jadi apa boleh buat.. Entah kenapa kelas XII ini saya jadi rajin, mungkin wajar, kita semua sudah seharusnya tahu sindrom anak kelas XII. Yang mendadak jadi rajin, dan nilai semua orang menjadi bagus. Ya saya tidak serajin itu juga sih, ngomong-ngomong saya mau kost lagi, tentunya bersama Muhammad Ikhsan dan Aulia Rahman Anshary.. Yang satu keroco anggota tim komputer sekolah satunya lagi pengguna sepeda kelas berat (maksudnya intensitas penggunaannya tinggi). Ya begitu saja, saya kost agar rajin, seperti anak kelas XII lainnya. Tulisan saya absurd? Katanya sih tulisan cerminan diri, jadi sampai jumpa di lain episode..

Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

A Rush of Blood to the Head

Tadinya ingin menulis sesuatu tentang lagu dan kalimat ini tapi karena tiba-tiba jadi malas jadi lain kali saja. Oh ya, bahkan tadi saya rasanya punya ide untuk menulis sesuatu hal yang lucu seperti yang biasa saya lakukan dahulu kala, tapi tiba-tiba jadi lupa. Oh maaf, tulisan saya memang tidak lucu-lucu amat sih sebenarnya tapi ya sudahlah. Ngomong-ngomong, besok saya tes NTU jadi mohon doanya untuk diberikan jalan yang terbaik!! Ngomong-ngomong lagi, tidak ada pembaca blog ini selain saya, al, arutaki, dan ibu saya sendiri. Yah namanya juga kasih sayang seorang ibu, apa daya tulisan anaknya amburadul begini tetap dibaca. Jadi intinya doakan saya, sekalipun tes telah lewat. Jumpa lagi kawan-kawan, jadi teringat lagunya Maissy. Ah, lagi-lagi sudahlah.. -__-

Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

To My Surprise and My Delight

Okay, I am going to write another one in English. Actually my English is not so good but i don't think there will be any improvement if i do not try to write. Be a good writer in English has been my dream since what.. I am not sure, but I really want to be a good writer in English. My Dad and my Brother are both good writer in Bahasa, so I think I should be the one who preserves my Mom's legacy, which is a good skill at writing in English.

Get to the topic, this time I will write something about myself. Please do not hesitate to correct my English if you find any or a lot of mistake or grammatical error in this writing. I am very busy these days, it is not like those good old days where we were chatting with friends, sharing thoughts each other, gossiping all night long and so on. It is now more like a moment when you see your own reflection about what have you done in this short but memorable high school life. I personally see myself as a pretty childish boy but I also like to be treated as an adult or even an old man. And I don't think that I study enough for this so called senior year at high school. Senior year is really hard that I haven't even imagine to be like this, but I think I made it pretty well good. If I look myself on the mirror, I always ask "Is this the way you want to be?". When I was at junior high school, one of my teacher said that being a teenage is a time when you want to actualize yourself and find your own character as a human being. She also said that teenage become vulnerable and not-so firm person, they are still molding their character as an artist molding their sculpture. I thought it was all not so important information, but i finally realize what she actually wants us to know. I feel myself drawing a rough sketch, a very rough sketch of my life that i don't need to make the line to be bold. If i don't see the sketch to be very good, i just need to erase them and draw another rough sketch. There will be time for me to make my life bold. I hope it will come to me. Well, pray for me so that i could do my best in selecting the best future for me, and for this world. To my surprise and my delight, I am now writing this not for anyone but only for me and myself. Special thanks to Allah SWT, may You show me the way to keep on moving into a perfectly straight line. And of course Prophet Muhammad as a guide for all human being, family especially parents for all the prayers, teachers for all the knowledge, friends especially the one who is very important to me and the one whom i become a lover. Next time I write, you will see me seeing a sunrise and a sunlight. Maybe this is too romantic for my writing, but I don't care, so little people reads my blog. See you later..