Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Definitely Wow!

Why wow-ing now? Because starting from today we are entering the ramadhan month (Y)!!!! Bulan yang menurut seluruh umat Islam di dunia ini sebagai bulan suci. Dimana ibadah didirikan dimana-mana dan malam terasa lebih panjang dan less menye. Buat saya ini waktu paling tepat untuk membuat resolusi, bagaimana dengan anda? Oh, ngomong-ngomong tulisan saya makin terlihat seperti anak baik-baik yang normal ya? Percayalah diri saya tidak seperti itu, at least tidak seperti bagian "normal"nya. Ramadhan kali ini saya tidak berharap lebih dari peningkatan kualitas diri (emangnya mau ngarep apalagi -___-). Sangat mungkin sih berharap pahala dan sebagainya, tapi kalau berharap peningkatan kualitas diri seperti yang dicontohkan oleh Rasulullah hal-hal baik lainnya biasanya mengikut dengan sendirinya (kecuali Allah berkehendak lain dengan memberikan pelajaran misalnya). Pokoknya selamat ramadhan deh, ya kira-kira itu saja.

Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

Some People Just Don't Learn

That's it. Lagi males nulis bener-bener gara-gara itu nyam..

Senin, 11 Juli 2011


Oh, post yang terakhir sebelum ini benar-benar hanya latihan menulis. Pingin mencoba bikin tulisan singkat yang feelingnya terasa, walaupun diinspirasi oleh kejadian nyata mirip yang rasanya beda sama sama sekali. Kenapa judulnya five senses? Karena tulisan deskriptif yang baik harus bisa terbayangkan oleh kelima indera kita(menurut saya).

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Five Senses

He knows exactly that nine o'clock was quite late for a not-so-big city. But the presence of a couple hundred person being in an atrium watching ethnic performances keeps his feet stand still. It is not about the crowd actually, the show is simply interesting. The sound of sundanese gamelan keep echoing in his brain while a stand up comedy is being played. And the temperature was quite cold for him, around the same with the lab he is used to but plus some wind breeze.
He enjoys the show for quite a while after he decided to go home. "I am going home soon", he received a message. "Can we meet a while?", he replied. Both of the party leave the show earlier than the others. He is meeting a girl, someone whom he have known for quite a long time. They finally meet, not far from the place they watch the show and heading towards the carpark. The girl is being accompanied with two other girl, which is also his friend. "Hey, how was it?", the boy is trying to start a conversation. "Do you know how I miss you so much?", the girl changes the topic suddenly and of course with casual manner. "Same here, can we meet the day after tomorrow?", expresses him. "Not sure, we'll see later", replied the girl. They talk about korean music and some chit-chat to break the silence around him, with the other two girls of course. And finally they reach their destination, a white city car with it's machine on. The girl ask, "How about some hugs?". The boy is not sure about that, he does not seem to be ready for that. "Give me high ten then", the girl ask one more. "Definitely", nod the boy. He gives the girl a high ten then. They know that they still want to meet each other, however they need to part of. The boy open the backdoor of the car, and fully awaken the girl who was sleeping inside the car. Well, the two girls mentioned earlier are the one who actually wake her up. And the boy take a seat behind the girl whose totally conscious now.

Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Bukan Sulap Bukan Sihir

Apa anda pernah menghabiskan beberapa saat di Indonesia pada sekitar tahun 90-an? Kalau iya sepantasnya anda sering mendengar kalimat judul di atas "Bukan sulap, bukan sihir". Kalimat tersebut biasanya diucapkan oleh pesula-like person yang muncul di layar kaca stasiun televisi swasta anda. Terus, hal yang paling bikin penasaran adalah kalau itu bukan sulap dan bukan juga sihir, ITU APAAN DONG? Silakan dijawab sendiri, makna tersiratnya juga silakan diinterpretasikan sendiri (kalau ada loh ya).

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011


My life is currently on its vertex. Gitu deh pokoknya, doakan bisa selesai ya masalahnya. GRWRL